Can women really have it all?

photo credit: Kelly Hicks Design

I never knew how fulfilling, wonderful and trying is the privilege to be a woman and mother.  As many of you know, I panicked when I found out I was going to have a baby.  Lately, I really struggle with the reality that I can’t hop on a plane (much less, hop in the shower!) whenever I feel like it.  For the health of my marriage and baby, I have given up dreams (at least for now) of advancing my education and career.  My day is mostly dictated by the schedule that is most healthy for Judah, who needs regular meals, snacks, nap-times, and most importantly, me.

My husband Zac and I sometimes talk about growing our family and when might be the opportune time.  Since Judah’s 1st birthday, all of my friends (even strangers!) are asking when we will have the next one.  (…as if you just pop into the corner store and pick one off the shelf.  I mean… did they miss the 7th grade sex-ed video?  sheeesh.)  As much as I am completely in love with my son, I can’t help but consider the cost of having another baby to care for.  I don’t mean financial cost, rather the sacrifices that I must make personally and professionally to be the mother I want to be.

The question I’ve been wresting with for more than a year now is: Can women really have it all?

Recently, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton professor of politics and international affairs, wrote a cover story for The Atlantic Magazine entitled Why Women Still Can’t Have it All.  She eloquently and honestly describes the tension many women face when they want to work but also want to be at home.  In the article she says,   “…the minute I found myself in a job that is typical for the vast majority of working women (and men), working long hours on someone else’s schedule, I could no longer be both the parent and the professional I wanted to be…”  Can’t you relate?! 

 I highly recommend the article, but if you’d just like the cliff’s notes, watch this short interview.

What transitions will you make when you have children?  Have you struggled with this tension like I have?  I would love to hear your thoughts…     
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